Tuesday, June 21, 2011

If You Go Into The Woods, 2 short storied by Daivd Gaughran

If You Go Into The Woods is a collection of two unsettling short stories. 

The title story is set in Caslav, a small town 60 miles west of Prague, Czech Republic. Jiri Beranek is drawn to a nearby forest, captivated by birds hidden high in the trees. Each time he enters, his desire to see the mysterious creatures is checked by his fear of the dark. When he finally forces himself to go farther, he finds a new reason to be afraid. This story was first published by The Delinquent (UK) then selected by Short Story America for inclusion in their anthology of their best stories of 2010.

The bonus story - The Reset Button - is set in Stockholm, Sweden in the depths of winter. Linus Eriksson, a divorced bachelor living alone in his small one-bedroom apartment, is a man with a memory problem: instead of not being able to remember anyone, nobody can remember him. This story is brand new, exclusively available in this e-book.

They have a combined length of 4,000 words, or around 16 book pages.
Priced at 99 cents.
Find it on Amazon.

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